Tick Surveillance
Tick Testing Results for October
Lyme Disease Awareness and Prevention Initiative is a collaborative campaign providing communities with real-time tick pathogen data, information regarding symptoms of potential infection and tick bite prevention tips.
Map of New York tick submissions and pathogen testing results accumulate over time. As seen in the plot above, tick activity peaks in May and October months. The fall coincides with a significant rise in Lyme and other tick-borne pathogens due to the increased activity of adult deer ticks in your area.
This Winter & Spring submitted ticks included adult deer ticks. As expected, the most prevalent tick-borne pathogens included Lyme and Anaplasma. However, as the summer approaches we expect to see more tick bites from Lone star ticks (Ehrlichia, Tularemia & Borrelia species) and American dog ticks. In general the prevalence of disease including Rocky Mtn. spotted fever and Tularemia in American dog ticks is extremely low.
What you need to know about Lyme & these co-infections
Lyme disease
Lyme disease is a tickborne disease caused by the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. Lyme is transmitted to humans by tick bites primarily from deer ticks and the western black-legged ticks. Deer ticks have also been found to transmit Anaplasma, babesia, relapsing fever and (rarely) Powassan virus (lineage 2) in your area.
Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans. If left untreated, infection can spread to joints, the heart, the nervous system and can become chronic. Lyme disease can be difficult to diagnose due to poor diagnostic tests and the lack of rash presented from a significant proportion of people. Tick testing can support proper diagnosis by validating your exposure to an infected tick.
Anaplasma phagocytophilum
Anaplasmosis is a tickborne disease caused by the bacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Anaplasma is transmitted to humans by tick bites primarily from deer ticks and the western black-legged ticks found near the west coast.
Typical symptoms include: fever, headache, chills, and muscle aches. Usually, these symptoms occur within 1-2 weeks of a tick bite.
Borrelia miyamotoi
Borrelia miyamotoi is a bacterium that is most closely related to the bacteria that cause tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) and more distantly related to Lyme disease. This bacterium can be transmitted to humans bitten by deer ticks and western black-legged ticks. Deer ticks are have also been found to transmit Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis in your area.
Patients may have fever, chills, headache, body and joint pain and fatigue. Rash is uncommon, presenting in less than 10% of patients.
Bitten by a tick?
Inform yourself and your community by submitting your tick for testing. Your tick may hold valuable information regarding the spread of tick-borne disease.
Test your tick at Ticknology Laboratory
- We are monitoring your area and reporting our real-time tick data through TickAlerts!
Track tick activity
- Download free TickTracker App & stay tuned for updates and features
*created by LivLyme Foundation
Ticknology Tick Testing Services
One Test
3 Easy Steps
$60 -Results in 24-72 hr (weekends included)
$40 -Results in 3 week days
Universal Tick Test includes:
- Lyme disease
- Borreliosis
- Bartonella species (* $10 option at checkout)
- Borrelia miyamotoi
- Borrelia mayonii
- Anaplasmosis
- Babesiosis
- Rocky Mountain spotted fever
- Spotted Fever Rickettsiosis
- Tularemia
- Ehrlichiosis
Tick Testing in 3 Easy Steps
Step 1
Save your tick in a plastic bag.
Step 2
Order your test online.
Step 3
Send it to our lab.
SOS! If you or a family member have been bitten by a tick, testing it for Lyme and other tick-borne diseases may aid in immediate medical decisions. It’s easy! Simply remove and save your tick in a Ziploc bag, order a Universal Tick Test online and then send us your specimen using supplies from home.
Please contact Ticknology. We will respond within 24 hours.